Photo by Andy Falconer on Unsplash
Shelby County Schools (SCS) plans to put digital devices in the hands of all students beginning in August.
This comes after the SCS board voted last week to implement a 1:1 Digital Device Plan, putting SCS on track to become the first fully digital district in the state. The $37 million digital access plan was first introduced in April after schools closed their doors for in-person learning. Now, in an effort to bring learning into the 21st century and assist with distance learning, students are set to receive devices for the upcoming school year.
Under the plan, all 95,000 SCS students will receive either a Microsoft tablet or an HP laptop, depending on grade level. Additionally, 25 percent of families will receive internet hotspots based on need.
SCS superintendent Joris Ray said the plan paves the way for equality.
“All means all,” Ray said during the board meeting last week. “I believe in Shelby County Schools and I'm willing to put it all on the line for our students and families in the name of equity. I’m thankful to our School Board and our Digital Advisory Committee for their valuable input as we worked to prepare a sustainable, cost-effective plan.”
Specifically, the digital access plan is meant to address the following five areas of focus identified by the district:
• Expanded Learning Opportunities: “To re-imagine teaching and learning in Shelby County Schools, we must re-imagine student access to teachers, instruction, and supports.
“Student devices are not designed to replace in-person instruction or minimize the importance of live teacher-led instruction. They will allow for more enrichment at home and opportunities to expand student learning options.”
• Equity through Access: “If we provide equity and access to devices and connectivity, all students will have the opportunity to further own their academic progress and pursuits outside of the classroom. This gives every student, with the right tools and teacher support, the opportunity to reach their greatest potential.”
• Bridging the Digital Divide: “We know access alone is not the answer, so we're implementing a comprehensive support plan to maximize these learning resources. This includes training for students and parents, as well as professional development for our educators.”
• Sustaining our Investment: This device plan is not a short-term investment, it's a strategy for the future. It will be a fixture in the annual budget development processes, and SCS is working to identify strategic opportunities, such as sponsorships and philanthropic partnerships, to ensure our students continue to have access.”
• Ensuring Digital Safety & Privacy: “While the District already adheres to robust data protection guidelines, we will strengthen protocols to ensure student data and privacy is protected.”