Memphis Kids Puzzle Swap at Rainbow Lake Playground @ Overton Park
Rainbow Lake Playground at Overton Park, Memphis, Tennessee
Kids like puzzles, but nice puzzles get expensive, and doing the same one again and again gets boring (at least for parents).
Join us at Overton Park Rainbow Lake Playground for a puzzle swap! If it goes well, we will make it an ongoing thing.
Here are the rules:
1. Bring a kids' puzzle in good condition. No missing pieces, but used is fine. This only works if people bring fun puzzles.
2. Show up on event date with your puzzle between 10 and 10:30. Drop your puzzle off on the picnic table, pick up a ticket, and send your kids to play.
3. Between 10:30 and 11:00, drop back by the picnic table, present your ticket, and go home with a new puzzle.
4. No commitments. If you love your new puzzle, keep it forever. If you want to swap at next month's swap, that is the point, but no one is keeping track of which puzzles you swap.
Follow on and RSVP to the event for updates.