Orion 5K at Downtown Memphis
Downtown Memphis 4th St. and MLK Blvd., Memphis, Tennessee 38103
Families are welcome to take part in Orion 5K running through Downtown Memphis at sunset. Post-race party includes a Kid Zone, live music, food, and drinks.
This family-friendly race includes a parent/child competition category. This year's winners in both the male and female divisions of all three youth age categories (9 and under, 10-14, 15-19) win $500 in prize money donated to a charity of their choice.
Registration begins at 4 p.m. Race starts at 7 p.m.
Parent/child team: $70 Age group: $35. Spirit runner $15. Early discounts available until June 7. Benefits Saint Patrick Community Outreach.
Go to http://www.orion5k.racesonline.com to register online.