Is it really time to go back to school already? I feel like my kids just started summer break, and our family was just beginning to hit our summer groove. While the time has flown by, I’m honestly ready to get back into a healthy, more consistent routine.
Face it, we all crave and need routine. It helps frame our lives and gives us meaning and focus. Sure, it’s fun to go off script for a bit, but predictable living isn’t so bad either. I know it’s a bummer to have to pack lunches for school again every single day. And trust me, I know the morning struggle is real, and waking up the kids and getting them fed and ready for school can be a total nightmare. Oh, the tantrums I’ve seen. But, in the end, it’s going to be okay. Even though the kids will resist the sudden change, they will welcome it in time.
The school schedule also provides some things to look forward to. Just remember, fall break isn’t that far off. Then there’s Halloween and the holiday march to close out the year. But let me not get ahead of myself.
Our summer has been filled with travel, play dates, swimming, fun with family and friends, and late nights. Oh, the late nights we’ve had! This will be the hardest thing to curb as we enter another school year. Not to mention the extra TV we’ve been allowing our girls. “Can we watch one more, please daddy?” Let’s just say that saying “no” hasn’t been a recurring theme in the Hulett household this summer.
Even though the kids will resist the sudden change, they will welcome it in time.
During the school year, we are strict with TV and only allow the girls TV during the weekend. This philosophy has flown right out the window as we’ve all relaxed into a loosey-goosey summer schedule. I know we should be more stern and vigilant, but it’s easy for parents to fall into the summer break trance, too. Not to mention, my wife is a teacher and has been off work most of the summer as well. The good news is that all of this can be fixed and put back into a tidy routine. Here are a few ideas to get you back on track.
- Don’t wait. Plan your routine before school starts back.
- Don’t scramble. Talk to your kids about what types of food they want in their lunches.
- Limit TV to just the weekend.
- Reduce the sugar rush.
- Set a reasonable bedtime.
- Check the weather forecast.
These are just a few suggestions to start the process of school re-entry. It’s not just hard on the kids, it’s hard on the whole family. If there’s one consistency we’ve maintained this summer, it has to be inconsistency in our routine. With a little tweaking and reframing, your family will be back on their healthy school routine in no time!
Jeff Hulett is a freelance writer, musician, and PR consultant in Memphis. He lives in the Vollintine Evergreen neighborhood with his wife Annie, two girls Ella and Beatrice, and dog Chalupa.