Many of us struggle with the role technology plays in our lives. How much is too much screen time? And do we allow technology to get in the way of our children developing other interests and hobbies? Technology has its place, but when kids sit glued to game systems or computers, they aren’t getting exercise or practicing other skills that help them improve at sports, music, or academics.
This month, there are two weeks aimed at helping parents think about pulling the plug at home: Digital Detox Week (April 22-28) and Screen Free Week (April 30-May 6). You can read more about unplugging in our Parent to Parent column, where Carolyn Jabs does a great job outlining why it’s important to set boundaries on our digital time. It’s not easy finding that balance, for any of us. But we think you’ll find it helpful to consider how much time you devote to your online life.
Keeping a family log which tracks how many hours your daughter is spending on Facebook, or your son is gaming on Xbox, or how much you are surfing the net, might be an eye-opening exercise. Then decide what you can do to strike a better balance. The digital world should be a help, not a hindrance. How it works best for your family is up to you.