June 21-23 • The magic of puppetry takes center stage at 2013 Nashville International Puppet Festival. The Nashville Public Library presents this largely free, city-wide celebration of puppetry with artists performing from around the world. Included is a colorful parade down Church Street through the Arts District and several special performances. • nashvillepubliclibrary.org/puppetfestival
All Summer Long • The grounds of Cheekwood Botanical Garden and Museum of Art in Nashville will be aglow with light installations by the internationally acclaimed British artist Bruce Munroe. Using fiber optics to create sculptures of light, his show LIGHT Nights promises to be spellbinding. And don’t forget Trains, a garden railroad exhibition. • cheekwood.org
June 22 • “How People Make Things” is the summer exhibit at the Museum of Discovery and it promises to give kids a window into how everyday objects are made. After a $9.2 million renovation, Little Rock’s popular science and technology museum is a must-do. • museumofdiscovery.org.