If you want to get better acquainted with downtown Memphis and have fun doing it, take advantage of Backbeat Tours’ Downtown Kid Venture. This popular tour bus company regularly shows tourists the sights of our fair city. But it has recently launched several new tours aimed at broadening locals’ appreciation of the Bluff City. The downtown crawl begins with The Peabody Duck March, followed by a trolley ride to The Peanut Shoppe, a visit to the Fire Museum, a ride on the monorail to Mud Island, and a splash in the fountains on Main Street. • Downtown Kid Venture Tour: Saturday, May 10. Meet-up at 10:15 a.m. on The Peabody Rooftop’s Duck Palace. Admission is $9 for adults, $5 for kids. For information, call 488-2683 • Backbeattours.com