If your child attended a good preschool last year, chances are he grew up, a lot. The classroom helps children gain independence and new skills. Here is what your kindergartner should be able to do as he starts this new school year. If he’s not quite there yet, work on these skills as August unfolds.
• Know his first and last name, and his parent’s first and last name • Recognize letters (both lowercase and uppercase) and numbers up to 10. • Know basic colors and shapes. • Use the bathroom independently, dress and undress, and wash hands. • Solve problems without hitting, biting, or yelling. • Follow instructions from teachers and parents. • Communicate wants and needs — like hunger, pain, or happiness — using words. • Be able to be apart from caregivers during the day. • Sit quietly for short periods of time. • Show curiosity and enthusiasm for activities like story time, art time, or group meetings.
Source: Urban Child Institute