Go For It - Fundamentals at Johnson Road Park in Germantown
Johnson Road Park 2970 Johnson Road, Germantown, Tennessee 38138
Sponsored by Girl Scouts Heart of the South, the Go For It series is designed to foster, in every girl, a strong sense of civic duty while incorporating sports education. Taking action on the field and in the community encompasses taking action towards a passion that addresses the greater good—from getting involved in government to advocating for change as a global citizen.
Girls will learn from civic leaders and sports experts on the following topics:
“Use Your Voice” - Like in cheerleading, in order to engage the crowd, you must use your voice. Girls will learn the importance of speaking out about the issues they are passionate about.
"Respect the Game” – In life, it can be hard to get along with those who have opposing views whether that be on calls from officials or with social issues. Girls will learn the importance of respecting the rules of the game from experts in Lacrosse and appropriate ways to be respectful when debating issues.
“Use your Power” – In kickboxing, the athlete is constantly in an active state, bobbing and weaving. By standing still, the goal, winning a match, cannot be accomplished. Girls will learn to take action and use their power to change the world.
Go to http://www.girlscoutshs.org/content/girlscoutshs/en/events-repository/2017/go_for_it_fundamenta.html for details.