Summer Scholars Camp for AP Students
This camp is designed to prepare high school teens for the challenges of a college-level Advanced Placement course. Campers will meet other students from across the region during this week-long prep. Camp is open to rising 10th, 11th, and 12th graders who are registered for AP courses during the 2013-14 school year.
Campers can be first-time AP students, or students who have taken an AP class in the past.
This is free to Memphis City School students, $100/non-MCS students.
Sessions: June 3-7 or June 17-21
Time: Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; Friday, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Lunch is provided.
Location: University of Memphis
To learn more, click here. or call 416-3471. On-line registration here.
Come fly with Valeria’s Wings, led by Memphis Aerial Arts founder, Val Russell. This summer camp will immerse campers ages 7 to 17 into the world of professional aerial arts. Students will participate in classes on flexibility, acro-balancing, trapeze, hoop, and more. The week culminates with a performance by campers each Friday at noon.
Tuition: $100/week + $25 registration fee.
Sessions: June 3-7 & June 10-14
Time: 8 a.m.-noon. (morning & aftercare available for extra fee)
Location: The Aerial Annex, 1940 Harbert Ave., Memphis, TN 38104
To register, call 278-9022 or email: valfrussell@comcast.net • memphisaerialarts.com