Reducing Test Anxiety

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Question: My daughter gets anxious before big tests. Are there any good ways to psych her up so she will be in a position to do well?
— Want to Help
In his new book Psyched Up: How the Science of Mental Preparation Can Help You Succeed, Daniel McGinn gives some solid suggestions and five techniques that parents can use to put children in the right mindset before tests and competitive events.
Build their confidence by recalling with them some of their past successes.
Around your home and in your children’s rooms, display photos and trophies of past triumphs, which can inspire them to try harder.
Avoid saying “Don’t be nervous” before a big event. Instead, help them focus on how lucky they are to be able to showcase their skills.
Encourage them to follow a set routine before competing. It will help them do better.
Before an event, encourage them to play the music that improves their mood and energy level.
What Makes a Good Student?
Question: My neighbors and I were discussing what makes a good student. What do you think?
— Unknown Qualities
Research shows that teachers place more emphasis on personal characteristics than academic skills. Most want to see students who are motivated, curious, self-disciplined, respectful toward teachers, and persistent. They also consider children good students if they are willing to ask questions. Teachers appreciate students who are honest, trustworthy, problem-solvers, and hard workers.
Parents should send questions and comments todearteacher@dearteacher. com or to the Dear Teacher website.
Compass Syndicate Corporation, 2018.
Distributed by King Features Syndicate