Ah, little boys! They race and leap and zoom about — it's all they can do to contain their exhuberance. As I explored Johnson Park earlier this week, I happened upon this handsome Fashionister at the playground, and he was kind enough to stop briefly for a pose.
Six-year-old Eric was clad in a mod sky blue T-shirt from the Children's Place; I love how the guitar creates a bold diagonal across his body. The tee was paired with these colorful patchwork cargo shorts from the Gap. Word has it his sister, Selina, loves to help pick out clothes.
And it turns out that Eric is as clever as he is athletic. His mother Elena tells me, in fact, that both children are quite accomplished on piano. This spring, Eric received first prize at the International Youth Sonatina and Sonata Piano Competition and Selina received second prize (that's her pictured below). With that honor comes the opportunity to perform at Carnegie Hall in December.
Now that is music to a mother's ears — children who are both stylish and smart.
Do you have little fashionistas at home? Do tell! Send an email with the word FASHIONISTA in the subject line to Editor Jane Schneider: janes@memphisparent.com. Don't forget to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter @memphis_parent, and Pinterest.