There is nothing more luscuious than the peaches and cream complexion of a toddler. And this week's Fashionister, Parker, has that in spades. Just look at those pink little cheeks! Why, he reminds me of the Gerber baby all grown up.
Naturally, behind this innocence lies a busy little boy who loves to run and play. And his ensemble is perfectly suited for the playground. Don't you love the crazy quilt shirt? Just right with these pocketed denim jeans from The Children's Place.
Parents Mike and Jen tell me Parker is as sweet as he is adorable.
Of course, now that he's a 20-month-old, he's starting to exhibit a bit of independence. Jen says he'll climb most anything and recently figured out how to get into his booster seat at the dining room table. "Thought I'm not sure how he managed that one!" she says with a laugh.
Parker also knows what's on his mind. When he's finished a meal, he'll hand over his plate and announce, "Done." With that, he walks out of the room and cozies up on the couch with On the Night You Were Born, a book so well loved, it's now missing a page or two.
But it doesn't matter, "I know it all by heart," says his mom. Lucky boy.
Photos by Amy Mack Photography
Do you have little fashionistas at home? Do tell! Send an email with the word FASHIONISTA in the subject line to: janes@memphisparent.com. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter @memphis_parent, and Pinterest, too.