Winsome, wiggly, always on the go, little boys are poetry in motion. I was surveying the Wolf River on Mud Island one afternoon when handsome Ryan streaked past. He was out with his family, hip-hopping through the community garden, without a care in the world. What's more, he was dressed like such a hipster, I had to stop and say hello.
Don't you love his newsboy cap (not to mention those soulful brown eyes)? He pulls it off with such playfulness, you can't help but smile. Dressed in a bright cherry and turquoise plaid from Old Navy, plus cargo shorts from The Children's Place, he's ready for action.
His parents tell me he's quite athletic, and judging from his movement, I would have to agree.
He's also lucky enough to have big sister Jayden to watch out for him. One thing is certain, he'll keep Mom and Dad on their toes. But then, what little boy doesn't?
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