Have you heard about 901 Day? It's a day to celebrate Memphis' awesomeness.
A time to put aside all your gripes about whatever — and cheer on the many things that are right about our community. The event was started by Kerry over at ilovememphis.com and her friend, Jen. They kicked the idea around in 2011, and this year, made it reality. We think that's pretty cool.
Their concept was simple: organizations would put together an activity on 901 Day (9/01/2012) that's open to the public, free, and fun. Easy peasy. At this writing, there are 22 events taking place all around the city. You can see them all here. We're highlighting those that are family-friendly, in hopes you'll bring your kiddos and join in the fun. Oh, and the 901 name? It's a nod to our area code, silly.
901 Day Kick-Off at the Memphis Botanic Garden • 8:30-10:30 a.m. In partnership with the I Love Memphis blog, Memphis Botanic Garden is hosting the official kickoff party for 901 Day. There will be free admission to the Garden, live music, and refreshments. Memphis Botanic Garden kicks.
Celebrate Healthy Food at Cooper-Young Community Farmers Market • 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Features a cooking demonstration by Logan Guleff, a 10-year-old chef whose inventive recipes won him a trip to the White House. The First Lady liked his cooking!
Learn to Skate at Tobey Skate Park. • 9-11 a.m. Bring your best mojo for this skatefest. Beginners welcome, skateboards and safety equipment will be provided. Come learn how to ollie and other fun stuff. 2599 Avery, 38112. Skatelife Memphis is da bomb.
Take a 3-Mile Run/Walk to Benefit Church Health Center • 9 a.m. Lace up your sneakers for this fundraiser. The course threads through the park's Old Forest. Meet at the gazebo at the East Parkway entrance of Overton Park. Great exercise, great cause. Church Health Center rocks.
Learn About Other Cultures at C. H. Nash Museum at Chucalissa • 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Take advantage of free admission and cool activities that explore the early Native Americans who lived in our region. Chucalissa is fun.
Take a Guided Riverwalk Tour at Mud Island • 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. Learn about the history of our region and the river that's shaped it. This free tour will follow the 5-block model of the Lower Mississippi. Meet at the museum lobby on the second floor. Mud Island rocks.
Nosh at the Vollintine-Evergreen 901 Day Party • 5-8 p.m. Music, food, and fun at this neighborhood bash. Bring your lawn chairs, bring your kids, and get to know your neighbors. Auburndale at the V&E line. Vollintine-Evergreen is hip.
Boogie at the Blue Moon Mixer at Shelby Farms Park • 7-11 p.m. Featuring tunes by Jeff Hulett & Pezz. Bring a blanket and join in an evening of music, food, and funkatude. Shelby Farms is da bomb.