A recent post on Tumblr announced devastating news from pop singer Taylor Swift. It seems the 25-year-old’s mother has been diagnosed with cancer. Though the details are currently being kept under wraps, it’s a reminder of the importance of moms (and dads) receiving annual health check-ups.
According to ABC’s website, Swift wanted her fans to know because she had asked her mother to make the time and get a physical.
“She wanted you to know because your parents may be too busy juggling everything they’ve got going on to go to the doctor, and maybe you reminding them to go get checked for cancer could possibly lead to an early diagnosis and an easier battle," she added.
Many of us have had a loved one who’s received such a report, and yet we routinely elect to skip mammograms, Pap smears, skin checks, and colonoscopies. All of these are simple, painless tests that can detect cancer in its early stages, before the disease becomes more difficult to treat.
As for your health, take these simple steps: Know your family history (and what you may be at risk for), find an OB-GYN you trust, make an annual appointment at a time you can remember (around a holiday or birthday), and be sure to go. It isn’t your own health you are thinking of, but the health of your family as well.