If you've got a skater coming of age at home, fear not. I remember my 9-year-old son desperately wanting a skateboard. And I must admit, I was resistant at first. I won't even list all the potential injuries I envisioned. But I put my worries aside long enough to say yes. And as it turned out, skating became a good hobby for my son, one that built his self-confidence.
He learned to ride the way most kids do, by trail and error. But the guys at Skatepark of Memphis were hugely helpful, too. Now, with the opening of Tobey Park (2599 Avery), there's a new place for kids to be mentored as they gain mastery of this artful sport.
This Saturday, May 5th, from 9 to 10 a.m., kids can work with instructors to learn the fine points of skating. Beginners will get the basics; more advanced kids can focus on grinding or tricks. This free clinic is geared for children ages 5 and up. Helmets are mandatory, kneepads and wrist guards strongly suggested. Extra equipment is also available.
• Get a board that fits your child's needs. Make sure it's in good repair, with wheels that turn freely and are securely fastened.
• Invest in a properly-fitting helmet. Wrist guards, knee, and elbow pads are good for beginners. Leather or suede shoes will keep feet protected.
• Learn how to fall properly to reduce the risk of injury.
• Obey the rules of the park.