So…where are you with your 2024 resolutions? Oh, you’ve forgotten about them already? That fitness routine you pledged a commitment to doing 3-5 days a week. All of that extra money you promised to store away each payday to secure a better financial future. Or, how much self-care and love have you shown yourself since taking the vow? Listen, there is absolutely no judgment over here – at all.
Frankly, if you haven’t lived up to your annual tradition of organized goal-setting, you’d just be joining every other human on this planet whose life “happened.” More especially, if you’re a parent, or taking care of loved ones, chances are you’ve already failed your goals before even racing out the door each day. I can’t imagine a perfect life where everything simply falls in line according to our plans. But what I do hope is that these extra pressures we continuously bestow on our lives don’t become a burdensome form of living.
But y’all, it’s summertime now. So why not take the chill season to process where you are today, and how you would like to finish out the year effectively. Relaxation should be somewhere on the list. And while you’re checking off items, be sure to check in with your loved ones — physically, mentally, emotionally, and let’s not forget, socially. What about your very own well-being? Has it been heavily impacted? Your mental health should always be a priority when it comes to effectively serving and engaging others.
As you prepare to send your children off to a season of summer exploration, take a moment to reflect on the positive things around you — whether at work, on vacation, or at home prepping a meal. What one thing could you do better, or change, or re-commit to? In parenting, sometimes it’s all about the small moments or memories you can create that don’t cost a dime of your money, time, or health. That looks different for each household.
This brings me to sharing the wonderful features we have included in this issue. Meet our inaugural class of 10<20! We’re so excited to announce our first round-up of amazing young people who are intentional about instilling positive moments within themselves, and others. Also, everything from tips to minding your mental health, summer camp opportunities, celebrating dads and teachers, and more. Have the most amazing summer!
Later, my friends!
— Erika Cain, Editor