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Calling all moms! Single moms, married moms, military moms, and more. Don’t sit around waiting silently for someone to rush in and offer you a Mother’s Day celebration. Instead, take the helm (like you always do), and create your own activities honoring motherhood this Mother’s Day.
Thank the woman who loves you enough to let you call her Mom. Show children of all ages how special a mom is by first remembering to honor your own mother. Visit Mom with the kids and share favorite memories of her motherly love, such as how she kissed your boo-boos as a child or carefully fixed your hair for the prom. If your mother has passed, make her favorite dessert with the kids and share these stories as a reminder to all of you just how special this woman was, and still is, to your family.
Plant a Mother’s Day garden. Gather your mom and children and shop for everyone’s favorite flowers. If possible, purchase enough plants to fill a small garden or a pretty flowerpot you can take to both homes. Be sure to include flowers chosen by each family member in both gardens as a “flower collage” of loved ones.
Color scarves with love. Have the kids craft a colorful scarf for you and Grandma to wear as a reminder of their hugs. Lay a white silk or cotton scarf on a covered surface. Place torn pieces of tissue paper (the kind that bleeds) on top and spray with water. After colors bleed to the desired amount, remove paper, dab the scarf of excess moisture, then toss it into the dryer for about 20 minutes, or just until dry. Iron on low heat to help set the dye. Visit southernliving.com/home-garden/holidays-occasions/mothers-day-silk-watercolor-scarf-video ) for a video tutorial.
Be a Secret Santa. Everyone knows those moms who get left out on Mother’s Day. They’re usually the ones who sit quietly when the “What did you do for Mother’s Day?” question is asked at Sunday school or book club. Show your kids the power of love by filling a gift bag with inexpensive gifts, such as the hand-colored scarf, candy, a rose, or simply a little note telling her what a special mom she is. Secretly hang it on her doorknob early Sunday morning. Her heart will melt when she opens the love-filled gift bag from you. And you have given yourself an even better gift — that of selfless giving.
Celebrate regardless. Unfortunately, some of us don’t have moms or children with us on our big day. Divorce, deployment, passed loved ones, even lost babies leave a gaping hole. Celebrate your motherhood anyway. Remember favorite moments with your loved ones, however short or few they may have been. Remember how big your mothering heart is. Remember, whether children are present or not, you will always be a mother.
Happy Mother’s Day.