Teachers at Overpark Elementary School in Olive Branch recently brought The NED Show in to wrap up the school’s “Be a Buddy, Not a Bully” week. The program served as a complement to the school’s ongoing theme.
The NED Show, a 45-minute character education assembly is produced by All for KIDZ, Inc. The program showcases a cartoon character named NED, an acronym for Never give up, Encourage others, and Do your best. Using humor, storytelling, and lessons with yo-yos and magic tricks, a NED performer interacts with students, encouraging and inspiring them to focus on character development. The message is simple: Become a champion, both at school and in life.
“We reinforce making good choices daily,” notes Stacey Conklin, counselor at Overpark Elementary School. “The program motivates children to try harder to succeed at enhancing themselves and our school climate.”
Since 1989, the NED Show has reached more than 25 million students in all 50 states, as well as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Britain.
With budgets tight, how were Overpark administrators able to bring the show to their school?
“Our Pay-It-Forward option enables schools to host the show at no cost,” points out Lois Summer, director of business development at All for KIDZ, Inc. Instead of paying the $1,200 program fee, schools can host the show at no cost. After the assembly, the school then sells NED-messaged items for five days. There are no minimum sale requirements and the company pays return shipping on unsold products.
Conklin says it not only saved her from finding funding, but their school can also help others with the Pay-It-Forward option.
The NED Show is more than a 45-minute assembly; the company provides online resources for teachers and parents to reinforce their positive message. The materials include bulletin board kits for classrooms, activity sheets for school and home, grade-level lesson plans, parent connection resources, and room decor.
“Our focus is on how kids should think, act, and treat others, which naturally helps to prevent bullying,” concludes Summers.
Check out the Bullying Prevention Resources under Teacher Tab on TheNEDShow.com and watch a short video on “Be an Upstander.”
NED’s Art Contest
Choose one of the following themes and show your ability to draw, color, paint, or illustrate.
• Here’s how I show kindness to a new kid at school. • Here’s how I show kindness to someone who isn’t always kind to me. • Here’s how I show kindness to someone who is different from me.
Mail entries including name, grade, school, theme, and contact information to this address: NED’s Art Contest All for KIDZ, Inc. 20700 44th Avenue West Suite 220 Lynnwood, WA 98036
Three Grand Prize Winners receive artwork made into a keepsake poster and $50 shopNED Gift Certificate. Each winner’s school will receive a keepsake poster of the winning artwork. Deadline for submission: April 30, 2014.
For details, visit theNEDshow.com/contest_info.html