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Want to be with others who are sharing your journey? The Autism Society of the Mid-South is offering Family Support Night, a chance to relax and connect with other parents whose children have autism or a disability. Families will meet monthly, starting Friday, January 30th, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Hope Presbyterian Church. Two parent groups (one for those with school-aged children, the other with teens/young adults) will discuss topics of relevance to each group.
Big and little kids can all join in
- Lego Club (ages 6-15) - Kids have fun building cool models.
- SibShops (all ages) - Group helps sibs who have a special-needs brother or sister.
- Young Adult Club (ages 15+) - Teenagers discuss various topics. This month, learn best practices when dealing with the police, from what to say when stopped for a traffic violation to how to handle questioning about a crime.
Family Support Night will also occasionally include speakers on topics related to autism and disabilities in general. Please RSVP if you need childcare. • Cost: $15 per family/ASMS members, $20/nonmembers. For more, call 271-5556 or email info@autismsocietymidsouth.org