We recently discovered an interesting series of podcasts now available to parents. They are produced by the national nonprofit, Zero to Three, an organization that focuses on the importance of child development during the early years, ages 0 to 3. The series, Little Kids, Big Questions, addresses some of the most common (and challenging) issues facing parents of babies and toddlers, such as: helping a baby learn to sleep through the night; dealing with a picky eater, and learning to set limits on your child’s behavior.
Hosted by Ann Pleshette Murphy, a past contributor to ABC’s Good Morning America parenting segment and author of several parenting books, the podcasts run approximately 8 to 10 minutes and offer sound advice on a variety of topics.
Even if your child is older, you’ll find useful information here. One podcast we listened to focused on the importance of helping children label and talk about their feelings. In helping your child begin to understand his inner life, you are shaping the development of his emotional and social intelligence. This will enable him to build meaningful relationships with others as he grows. Regardless of where you are in the parenting journey, we think you’ll find these podcasts helpful. Take a listen. • zerotothree.org/about-us/funded-projects/parenting-resources/podcast/ MP